Sunday, February 12, 2012

These are just my thoughts on Whitney Houston

These are just my thoughts on Whitney Houston

Last night at around 7:30pm, I received a phone call from my mother telling me that Whitney Houston had died. I could hear in the shock and disbelief her voice. As she was telling me to turn onto CNN, I felt myself going into a kind of shock and disbelief. I was closest to my computer so I decided to log on to see what other news sources were reporting. It was true. The one and only Whitney Houston had indeed died in her hotel room at the Beverly Hilton. Friends on Face book almost immediately began sending out death notices and condolences to her family. I even created a post on my face book page expressing how dangerous drugs are to the family and to one’s body over a long period of use. I was saddened by the news, but not surprised. After, I posted the comment; I was reminded that I had plans for later in the evening to attend an Aquarius party at the House of Blues downtown. Needless to say, I did not make the event.

Instead, I went and sat in front of the television for a few hours and watched reports of her death and listened to the comments of the many celebrities who either knew Whitney Houston personally or who were just huge fans of her music and her iconic status. As the night wore on, I grabbed the rest of the Mexican food that I had left over from a small Mexican restaurant where I had, eaten lunch earlier. By the way, this restaurant is not fancy, but the food is soooo good. Anyway, after falling asleep from watching the Whitney death reports and a couple of episodes of the Boondocks, I woke early this morning to log on to see what the world was saying about Whitney Houston’s death.

I went on a couple of news blog sites and even checked emails in hotmail account. Well, news keeps coming. This morning there is speculation that Whitney possibly died as a result of drowning in the bathtub at the hotel room she was staying in last night. The article stated that Bobbi Kristina was there screaming to be allowed in the room to see her mother as the paramedics tried to revive her. The report also alleges that Whitney supposedly took some prescription pills before getting in the tub. As I said, allegedly. Damn, this is true, it sounds similar to how RnB singer Gerald Levert allegedly died a few years back. Gerald reportedly accidentally mixed the wrong pill prescriptions and never woke back up. Pills that causes one to relax so deeply usually are referred to xanax, valium, etc (benzodiazepines). These are taking if one has anxiety, trouble sleeping, or is for some reason, jittery. These pills come with a warning to never take with alcohol. I am not saying that Whitney Houston did this. I am just sharing information.

Also, I read on a blog where some of the respondents where blaming Bobby Brown for Whitney’s drug addiction and troubles. Comments like, “If she had never met Bobby Brown Whitney would still be alive today” and “Whitney’s church upbringing is the cause for staying in a marriage that was obviously troubled for too long. She was trying to stay true to her faith and make her marriage work” were a part of the many responses. I say this. True. I do think that religion and church keep people, but especially women, in bad relationships and with bad men too damn long. Next, I don’t think that Bobby Brown is to blame for Whitney’s drug addiction. Bobby was a younger, bad boy when they met years ago. He was drinking and probably smoking weed when they met. Whitney was America’s sweetheart on television who came up in a strict church environment. By the way, Whitney was already drinking alcohol when they met. Also, if we are honest with ourselves about most preachers’ kids or most of the children who come from strict religious/church household, we already know that these children tend to go buck wild when they are introduced to what their religious upbringing tried to keep them from, which is the real world; the good, the bad and the ugly.

Many would say that Whitney actually met her match in Bobby Brown. However, when it comes to who is to blame for her addiction to drugs, we would love to point the finger at Bobby Brown who was also an addict/alcoholic, the dope man, even her mother Sissy Houston for possibly trying to make Whitney into this perfect Christian little girl and angelic woman. Sadly, we can only point the finger at Whitney for this one. I was one of the millions who was hoping that Whitney would make a major comeback with her voice. The CD she put out a couple of years ago was nice and even had a few hits on it. I actually liked the CD. My favorite songs on the CD were ‘I Look to You’, ‘I Never Knew My Own Strength,’ and ‘Million Dollar Bill.’ But, the song that made me cry whenever I heard it on the radio or especially when I heard her sing it live is a tossup between ‘I Look to You’ and ‘I Never Knew My Own Strength.’ Both of those songs move me a certain way even today because you can hear in her voice a woman who has been through some things and is glad that she was able to survive after all of the trials and tribulations she had endured to get back to some sense of civility in her life.

I will have to pick a time in the future when I will be able to listen to either one of those songs again because today is not the day. Even though Whitney had her much publicized issues with drugs and a troubled marriage, she did not leave us out. She gave us, her fans, some of the best music and singing that the world will ever know. I thank her so much for being the songstress, the diva, and the woman of pop and soul that she was to us, her fans and admirers. I hate she had to leave so soon. I did not know Whitney Houston, Michael Jackson, Etta James, Don Cornelius, and Vesta Williams personally, but the contributions they made to this world and its music, to the black community, touched me personally. My heart is saddened by Whitney’s passing, but my musical experiences have been enriched. Rest in Peace, Nippy. 

These are my thoughts on the Whitney Houston situation. As Forrest Gump would say and so eloquently, “That’s all I have to say about that.”


Anonymous said...

Very nice, Brother. I just read an article about her last days. It truly hurt me to read that she was locked in a real battle with addiction and was having more setbacks than triumphs. There will always be a ton of "what ifs" and "if onlys" from her fans, friends, family, and those who attached themselves to her (Really? Ray J?). I just hate that it will often be these last unproductive years that folks will dwell on rather than the stellar time she spent "giving herself" as you intimated, to the world and sharing such a special and unique gift. Truly, I wish her peace.

E said...

Thanks Rico! Your perspective can always be counted on to be on-point! There is very little that I can say here as I concur with all you've said. Especially the point that no one can take the blame for anyone else for the choice they themselves make. Choice is a burden that we all bear and though there are influences it always comes to the bottom line...the choices you make dictate that life you live, to thine own-self be true. I certainly believe that Whitney was true to her choices and she lived the life that she chose to live, weather it was spite or influence, I would absolve Bobby Brown of any responsibility of her demise. Lastly, I hope that their daughter can take a lesson from this that will allow her to overcome any predispositional trait towards drug use that is surely to appear in her life.
Again, THANKS SIR for you insight and valued opinion!

~E! Donelson II

Cicely said...

Thanks for your thoughts, Rico. I feel similarly. Abuse of any kind takes strong hold, but the responsibility is on the person to get the help needed to let it go...or never take hold in the first place. When I look back at all of Whitney Houston's albums, I can think of songs that distinctly mark fond events of my life. Music is such a powerful medium. Thanks to all those musical greats we have loved and lost that added more to our lives than they will eveer know.

Rico Rivers said...

Thank Dr. Mac. Thank you Cicely. Thank you both for taking the time out read what I had to say. Whitney Houston was bigger than life. I chose not dwell on the troubles as much, but make sure I added just how wonderful an artist she was while she was hear. I know it had to be hard on her to loose her voice in the prime of her life.

Rico Rivers said...

Brotha, E.:

Man, if don't nobody about what Whitney went through all of these years arm wrestling with that monkey on her back, you damn well do. Man, I appreciate your response. I appreciate your continuing to fight the good fight in the streets where the people are hurting and suffering the most.

Love you.